
Aufsätze in Fachzeitschriften

  • Böddeker, S., Rothert-Schnell, C., Walsh, G, Groth, M. (2025): Keep them busy, keep them flowing? The effects of actively versus passively occupied wait timeJournal of Business Research, 189, 115216.
  • Rothert-Schnell, C., Böddeker, S., & Walsh, G. (2024): Asset sharing in the healthcare sector: part one—impact on perceptions of service quality and intention to use the service againBritish Journal of Healthcare Management, 30(6), 1-10.
  • Rothert-Schnell, C., Böddeker, S., & Walsh, G. (2024): Asset sharing in healthcare sectors: An examination of unintended patient outcomes – part twoBritish Journal of Healthcare Management, Published Online: 5. Sep. 2024.
  • Nolting, M., Walsh, G. (2024): Is AI the Future of Weight Loss Coaching? Exploring Digital Methods for Automated Health GuidanceProceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
  • Walsh, G. (2024): Investigating the existence of ethnic bias in professional servicesJournal of Business Research, 182.
  • Dose, D. B., Reinhardt, R., Krämer (née Schwabe), M. & Walsh, G. (2024): Environmental sustainability–profitability beliefs among firm decision makers: Measurement and consequencesLong Range Planning.
  • Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Dose, D. B., Christ-Brendemühl, S. (2023): Customer Integration, Fairness Perceptions, and Silent Endurance in Digital versus Human Service InteractionsEuropean Management Journal, 41(1), 34-46.
  • Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Evanschitzky, H. (2022): Hybrid offerings sales capability: Conceptualisation, scale development, and validationBritish Journal of Management, 33(3), 1560-1583.
  • Walsh, G. (2022): Relationships among immigrant consumers’ cultural orientation, innovativeness, and opinion leadershipInternational Marketing Review, 39(1), 88-104.
    ISSN: 0265-1335
  • Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Hassan, L., Shiu, E. (2022): Digital presence in service recovery: The interactive effect of customer salutations and employee photographs in email signaturesPsychology & Marketing, 39(12), 2361-2383.
  • Schaarschmidt, M., Hietschold, N., Segelitz-Karsten, A., Walsh, G., (2022): Affordable innovation rejection attitudes: Conceptualization, scale development, and validationInternational Journal of Innovation Management, 26(06), 2250046.
  • Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Ivens, S. (2021): Digital war for talent: How profile reputations on company rating platforms drive job seekers' application intentionsJournal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 131.
  • Walsh, G., Linzmajer, M. (2021): The services field: A cornucopia filled with potential management topicsEuropean Management Journal, 39(6), 688-694.
  • Brylla, D., Walsh, G., Nolting, M., Roth, J. (2021): When Fast Means More Hassle: Online Deliveries RevisitedProceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). More info
  • Kunz, W., Walsh, G. (2020): After the revolution – new chances for service research in a digital worldEditorial “New frontiers in digital media services”. Special Issue, Journal of Service Management, 31 (3), 597-607.
    DOI: 10.1108/JOSM-03-2020-0089
    ISSN: 1757-5818
  • Linzmajer, M., Brach, S., Walsh, G., Wagner, T. (2020): Reducing Inter-Ethnic Bias in Service InteractionsJournal of Service Research, 23 (2) 194-210.
    DOI: 10.1177/1094670519878883
  • Baker, T. L., Chari, S., Daryanto, A., Dzenkovska, J., Ifie, K., Lukas, B. A., Walsh, G. (2020): Discount venture brands: Self-congruity and perceived value-for-money?Journal of Business Research, 116, 412-419.
  • Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G. (2020): Social media-driven antecedents and consequences of employees’ awareness of their impact on corporate reputationJournal of Business Research, 117, 718-726.
  • Brylla, D., Walsh, G. (2020): Scene Sells: Why Spatial Backgrounds Outperform Isolated Product Depictions OnlineInternational Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24 (4), 497-526.
  • Schünemeyer, V., Walsh, G. (2020): The relationship between health- and fitness-related social media use and consumers’ disordered eatingMarketing, ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 42(3), 37-47.
  • Dose, D., Walsh, G., Beatty, S., Elsner, R. (2019): Unintended reward costs: The effectiveness of customer referral reward programs for innovative products and servicesJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(3), 438-459.
  • Albrecht, A., Schäfers, T., Walsh, G., Beatty, S. (2019): The effect of compensation size on recovery satisfaction after group service failures: The role of group versus individual service recoveryJournal f Service Research, 22(1), 60-74.
  • Walsh, G., Yang, Z., Dahling, J., Schaarschmidt, M., Takahashi, I. (2019): Effects of negative personality traits on emotional labour and job satisfaction: Evidence from two countriesManagement Decision, 58(6), 1035-1052.
  • Walsh, G., Hille, P., Shiu, E., Hassan, L., Takahashi, I. (2019): Cross-Cultural Fear of Online Identity Theft: A Comparison Study and Scale RefinementInformation Systems Frontiers, 21(6), 1251-1264.
    ISBN: 9780996683173
  • Walsh, G., Deseniss, A., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S. (2019): Buffering the service failure–induced effect of anger on revengeKybernetes, 49(7), 1899-1913.
    ISSN: 0368-492X
  • Walsh, G. (2019): Service employees’ naturally felt emotions: Do they matter?European Management Journal, 37(1), 78-85.
  • Bachmann, F., Walsh, G., Hammes, E. (2019): Measuring owner-based luxury valueEuropean Management Journal, 37(3). 287-298.
  • Schwabe, M., Dose, D., Walsh, G. (2018): Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future: Influences of regulatory focus on consumers’ moral self-regulationJournal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 234-252.
    DOI: DOI: 10.1002/jcpy.1025
  • Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S. (2018): Assessing the effects of multichannel retailer corporate reputation on customer new product adoption and RFM valueJournal of Service Management, 29(4), 680-702.
    DOI: 10.1108/JOSM-08-2017-0211
  • Brach, S., Walsh, G., Shaw, D. (2018): Sustainable consumption and third-party certified labels: Consumers' perceptions and reactionsEuropean Management Journal, 36(2), 254-265.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2017.03.005
  • Dose, D., Walsh, G., Ruvio, A., Segev, S. (2018): Investigating links between cultural orientation and culture outcomes: Immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel and GermanyJournal of Business Research, 82, 281-289.
  • Walsh, G., Brylla, D. (2017): Do product returns hurt relational outcomes? Some evidence from online retailingElectronic Markets, 27(4), 329-339.
    DOI: 10.1007/s12525-016-0240-3
  • Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Evanschitzky, H. (2017): Customer Interaction and Innovation in Hybrid Offerings: Investigating Moderation and Mediation Effects for Goods and Services InnovationJournal of Service Research, 21(1), 119-134.
    DOI: 10.1177/1094670517711586
  • Hammes, E. K., Walsh, G. (2017): Service Employees’ Job Demands and Two Types of Deviance: The Moderating Role of Organizational ResourcesMarketing – ZFP, 39(1), 15-26.
  • Albrecht, A. K., Walsh, G., Brach, S., Gremler, D. D., van Herpen, E. (2017): The influence of service employees and other customers on customer unfriendliness: a social norms perspectiveJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(6), 827-847.
    DOI: 10.1007/s11747-016-0505-6
  • Albrecht, A. K., Walsh, G., Beatty, S. (2017): Perceptions of Group versus Individual Service Failures: Blame Attribution and Customer EntitlementJournal of Service Research, 20(2), 188-203.
    DOI: 10.1177/1094670516675416
  • Kearney, T., Walsh, G., Barnett, W., Gong, T., Schwabe, M., Ifie, K. (2017): Emotional intelligence in front-line/back-office employee relationshipsJournal of Services Marketing, 32(2). 185-199.
    DOI: 10.1108/JSM-09-2016-0339
    ISSN: 0887-6045
  • Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S. (2017): Effects of Customer-Based Corporate Reputation on Perceived Risk and Relational Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Gender Moderation in Fashion RetailingJournl of Product and Brand Management, 26(3), 227-238.
    DOI: 10.1108/JPBM-07-2016-1267
    ISSN: ISSN 1061-0421
  • Walsh, G., Möhring, M. (2017): Effectiveness of product return–prevention instruments: Empirical evidenceElectronic Markets, 27(4), 341-350.
    DOI: 10.1007/s12525-017-0259-0
  • Walsh, G., Hammes, E. K. (2017): Do service scripts exacerbate job demand–induced customer perceived discrimination?Journal of Services Marketing, 31(4/5), 471-479.
    DOI: 10.1108/JSM-06-2016-0209
    ISSN: 0887-6045
  • Walsh, G., Albrecht, A. K., Kunz, W., Hofacker, C. (2016): The Relationship between Online Retailers' Reputation and Product ReturnsBritish Journal of Management, 27(1), 3-20.
    DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12120
  • Walsh, G., Albrecht, A. K., Hofacker, C., Grant, I., Takahashi, I. (2016): Developing and validating a scale of consumer brand embarrassment tendenciesJournal of Business Research, 69, 1138-1147.
  • Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., von Kortzfleisch, H. (2016): Employees’ company reputation-related social media competence: Scale development and validationJournal of Interactive Marketing, 36, 46-59.
  • Walsh, G., Dahling, J. J., Schaarschmidt, M., Brach, S. (2016): Surface-acting outcomes among service employees with two jobs: Investigating moderation and mediation effectsJournal of Service Management, 27(4), 534-562.
    DOI: 10.1108/JOSM-05-2015-0169
    ISSN: 1757-5818
  • Walsh, G., H. Evanschitzky, M. Schaarschmidt, P. (2016): Service productivity: What stops service firms from measuring it?Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 13(1), 5-25.
  • Walsh, G., Dinnie, K., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2006): How do corporate reputation and customer satisfaction impact customer defection? A study of private energy customers in GermanyJournal of Service Marketing, 20(6), 412-420.
  • Walsh, G., Koot. C., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2006): Der Einfluss von Dienstleistungsqualität auf Kundenzufriedenheit im Retail BankingJahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 52(2), 166-180.
  • Walsh, G., Groth, M., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2005): An examination of consumers’ motives to switch energy suppliersJournal of Marketing Management, 21(3-4), 421-440.
  • Walsh, G., Klee, A., Wiedmann, K.-P., Waßmann, T. (2005): Wechselbarrieren als Ursache für die Stabilität von GeschäftsbeziehungenZfE – Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 29(2), 145-153.
  • Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Duvenhorst, C. (2005): Die Identifizierung von eMavens auf Internet-Music-SitesMarketing ZFP, 27(1), 41-54.
  • Mitchell, V.-W., Walsh, G. (2004): Gender differences in German consumer decision-making stylesJournal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(4), 331-346.
  • Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2004): A conceptualization of corporate reputation in Germany: An evaluation and extension of the RQCorporate Reputation Review, 6(4), 304-312.
  • Walsh, G., Mitchell, V.-M., Wiedmann, K.-P., Hinck, W., Frenzel, T. (2004): Identifying eMavens on internet music sites: Evidence from GermanyJournal of Global Business Research, 1(1), 28-37.
  • Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Kilian, T., Seifert, C. (2004): Die Akzeptanz von Smartphones: Eine empirische AnalyseJahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 50(4), 385-410.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Adam, D. A., Klee, A. (2004): Reiseverkaufsfernsehen als neuer Distributionskanal im Tourismus – Analyse des Zuschauerverhaltens und MarketingimplikationenMarketing ZFP, 26(2), 109-119.
  • Buxel, H., Walsh, G. (2003): Customer-specific marketing on the internet on the basis of customer profilesJahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 1, 68-88.
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Walsh, G. (2003): Reading customer articulations on the internet: A motive-based approach to explain the relevance of “electronic word-of-mouth”International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(2), 51-74.
  • Walsh, G., Mitchell, V.-W., Frenzel, T., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2003): Internet-induced Changes in Consumer Procurement Behavior: A German PerspectiveMarketing Intelligence and Planning, 21(5), 305-317.
  • Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Buxel, H. (2003): Der Einfluss von Unternehmensreputation und Kundenzufriedenheit auf die Wechselbereitschaft: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung am Beispiel eines EnergieversorgersJahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, 49(4), 407-423.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G. (2003): Der Einfluss der Zufriedenheit auf die Wechselbereitschaft von privaten Gaskunden: Empirische Analyse und ImplikationenZeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 27(3), 225-233.
  • Walsh, G. (2002): Die Ähnlichkeit zwischen Hersteller- und Handelsmarken und ihre Bedeutung für das kaufbezogene Verhalten von KonsumentenJahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 48(2), 109-123.
  • Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T. (2002): Wenn Konsumenten verwirrt sind – Empirische Analyse der Wirkungen eines vernachlässigten KonstruktesMarketing ZFP, 24(2), 95-109.
  • Walsh, G., Frenzel, T., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2002): E-Commerce-relevante Verhaltensmuster als Herausforderung für das Marketing – Dargestellt am Beispiel der MusikwirtschaftMarketing ZFP, 24(3), 207-223.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Buxel, H., Walsh, G. (2002): Customer profiling in e-commerce: Methodological aspects and challengesJournal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 9(2), 170-184.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Frenzel, T., de Freitas, M. (2002): Communication – Kommunikationsstrategien von Unternehmen des Electronic-Tourism im internationalen VergleichTourismus Journal, 6(2), 153-174.
  • Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T., Mitchell, V.-W., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2001): Consumers’ decision-making style as a basis for market segmentationJournal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 10(2), 117-131.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G. (2001): Zahlungswillig – Studie zur Akzeptanz kostenpflichtiger Musik aus dem InternetC’t – Magazin für Computertechnik, (26), 167.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G. (2001): Musik im Internet – Motive der Nutzung und Zahlungsbereitschaft (Teil I)Der Musikmarkt, 45, 6-7.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G. (2001): Musik im Internet – Motive der Nutzung und Zahlungsbereitschaft (Teil II)Der Musikmarkt, 50, 18-19.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Klee, A. (2001): Konsumentenverwirrtheit: Konstrukt und marketingpolitische ImplikationenMarketing ZFP, 23(2), 83-99.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G. (2000): Informationsverhalten und Einstellungen von Kunden beim geplanten Kauf von WohneigentumDer Langfristige Kredit, 51(1), 79-82.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G. (2000): Kundenverhalten beim geplanten Kauf von Wohneigentum: Ergebnisse einer empirischen UntersuchungDer Markt, 39(1), 49-59.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Buxel, H. (2000): Kaufentscheidungsdimensionen des Market MavensJahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 46(4), 404-424.


  • Walsh, G., Dose, D.B., Funke, C. (2022): Marketingübungsbuch3. Auflage, Springer Gabler, Berlin.
    ISBN: 978-3-662-65127-8
  • Walsh, G.; Deseniss, A.; Kilian, T. (2020): Marketing: Eine Einführung auf der Grundlage von Case Studies3. Auflage, Springer Gabler, Berlin.
    ISBN: 978-3-662-58940-3

Herausgeber- und Konferenzbände

  • Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Teng, L (2020): Cross-cultural assessment of a short scale to measure employees’ company reputation–related social media competenceCorporate Reputation Review, 23(2), 78-91.
  • Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T., Mitchell, V.-W. (2001): Consumers’ decision-making style as a basis for market segmentationin Marshall, G. M., Grove, S. J. (Eds.), Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing: Proceedings of the AMA Marketing Educators’ Conference, pp. 128-129.